Let us know how you travel around Herefordshire - and help us plan future services. Wednesday 27 April to Tuesday 31 May 2022. This survey is closed.
Tell us how you travel around the county
The last time we asked how people were travelling in and around the county was in 2015. That's over seven years ago, long enough for very different travel needs to emerge. Covid-19 may also have played a role in our everyday travel.
We'd like to know how journeys have changed over the years as it helps us with future planning. We're also asking a few questions about the climate. In 2019 Herefordshire Council declared a climate emergency and committed to achieve net zero by 2030.
Wednesday 27 April to Tuesday 31 May 2022
The survey was open to all who live or work in the county, aged 16 and over.
How we will use the information
We will collate and analyse the results of the survey and use your feedback to strengthen our understanding of journeys in the county and aid future planning.
We will publish the results of the survey on this page in August 2022.
Further information
For any further details please email: move@herefordshire.gov.uk