Have your say on proposed improvements to the way SEN funding is assigned to individual children from April 2021
11 February 2021 to 17 March 2021. This consultation is closed.
We consulted with all Herefordshire schools and colleges and parent and carer groups representing children with SEND, on the proposal to revise the High Needs Matrix.
Background to the consultation
The High Needs Matrix (HNM) is the method used to calculate funding to support:
- Children and young people with Education, Health and Care plans (EHCPs) in Herefordshire
- Some children and young people without ECHPs who have a similar level of need, but have not been assessed for an EHCP
Usually, funding for the second group is time-limited and in the first instance, an ECHP might not be necessary.
It was intended the HNM would be reviewed following its introduction in 2014.
Herefordshire Council has worked with a broad range of colleagues, parents and schools to review the HNM so that it accurately reflects the needs of the vast majority of children and young people with SEND in Herefordshire.
The HNM is used to calculate funding by professionals, who look at the description of a range of educational needs and disabilities, and select the one that best describes the child's difficulties. Each of these descriptors is awarded a score which can be seen in the left hand column of the HNM. The scores are added and the total corresponds to an amount of funding to be allocated.
Read the consultation document
- Appendix 1 - revised matrix and tariffs - High Needs Matrix proposal
- Appendix 2 - implementation of revised matrix and tariffs - High Needs Matrix proposal
The closing date for responses was 12 noon on Wednesday 17 March 2021.
Further information
If you have any questions about this consultation, please email HNMConsultation@herefordshire.gov.uk