Issues and options paper. This consultation closed on 6 October 2017.

This consultation is closed and ran from 14 August to 6 October 2017.

Following the adoption of the Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy in October 2015, we are now preparing a Minerals and Waste Local Plan to cover the period up to 2031. This will replace the saved minerals and waste policies contained in the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan.

The issues and options consultation was the first step of the MWLP preparation process. To ensure that the demand for and supply of minerals is properly understood, a Minerals Needs Assessment has been prepared, along with a Waste Needs Assessment to provide evidence on the types and quantities of waste produced and managed. These, together with the existing evidence base documents which underpin the Core Strategy, will assist in the production of the policies and proposals in the emerging MWLP.

Alongside the issues and options consultation, we conducted a second Call for Sites for those wishing their sites to be considered for possible allocation through the plan and who had not previously made a submission.

View the MWLP issues and options paper

The issues and options paper was consulted on from Monday 14 August to Friday 6 October 2017, with the call for sites also being run for the duration.

We will use the responses we received during this time, along with any further evidence gathered, to help formulate the next stage of the preparation of the MWLP. Once a draft plan has been produced, we will hold further consultations about policy wording and any allocations proposed.

Consultation documents

Contact us

If you have any questions about the MWLP consultation, you can call us on 01432 260146 or 01432 260137 or email us on

Published: 14th August 2017