We are developing a library strategy for Herefordshire and we need your help.
Monday 18 November to Monday 30 December 2024. This consultation is closed.
Herefordshire Council is committed to keeping libraries open. We value the part libraries play in supporting our local communities and have invested in a new Hereford Library and Learning Centre to open in autumn 2026 at Shirehall.
This consultation was an exciting opportunity to explore what the library service could look like in your community. It was a chance for you to tell us what you love about your local library, where we could do more, and any new ideas for the future.
You didn't have to be a library user, or have even visited a library before, to take part in this consultation.
We will use the feedback we received to help us to develop a new Herefordshire library strategy that captures our vision for the next five years. We aim to have this ready in summer 2025.
Closing date
The consultation closed on 30 December 2024.
Your privacy
The answers you provided will not be identified in any way when we use or report the results of this survey.
Further information
If you have any queries please email libraries@herefordshire.gov.uk