Give your views on an emerging masterplan for the city. Friday 2 December 2022 to Friday 3 February 2023. This consultation is closed.
Shaping the future of Hereford – have your say
Hereford is a vibrant, attractive city, with a rich history and thriving local economy. But there are challenges to address for the city to continue to thrive in the future.
Herefordshire Council is developing a detailed masterplan for Hereford that celebrates the city's character and provides a blueprint for making it an even better place to live, work in and visit in the future.
The masterplan will also explore how best to facilitate movement and connection between Hereford and the villages, market towns and counties nearby.
By providing a coherent vision aligned with national policy, the masterplan will ensure future improvements to the city and county are coordinated and provide a compelling case to gain the funding needed to achieve them.
Herefordshire Council engaged with residents, businesses, and wider stakeholders as we shaped the emerging masterplan from Friday 2 December 2022 until Friday 3 February 2023.
If you have questions about the consultation please email hcmp@herefordshire.gov.uk