Have your say on the digital strategy for Herefordshire Council. Monday 4 October - Friday 22 October 2021. This consultation is closed.

We asked for your input into shaping the council's digital strategy and online services. The council has a digital strategy that runs until 2023 but a lot has changed, including:

  • The experience of many people during Covid-19 lockdown driving a higher dependency on being online for work, learning and social interaction
  • The higher expectations of services and activity being online
  • The need to make sure people are not excluded becasue they can't access digital services
  • Over 93% of premises in Herefordshire being able to access superfast and ultrafast broadband, presenting an opportunity for businesses and households to get better connected
  • Changes to technology which mean that digital is becoming more accessible and easier to use

While the digital strategy focuses on how the council's services and functions use technology, we also wanted to understand:

  • How digital services can support residents and businesses
  • The expectation of customers using IT to access services
  • How the council can use technology to meet changing needs

Have your say

We asked about your experience of using IT, any barriers to being more digital, and what online services would help you.

The survey was available until Friday 22 October 2021.

Further information

If you have any queries about the consultation please contact us at digitalstrategy@herefordshire.gov.uk

The information gathered will be used to help inform any changes to or development of the digital strategy.

Once approved, the new digital strategy will be published on this site.

Privacy notice

Published: 4th October 2021