Monday 20 August to midnight Monday 8 October 2018. This consultation is now closed. The consultation statement and appendices are available. Sites proposed as part of the call for sites are listed.

The Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy, adopted in 2015, sets out an overall framework for the scale and location of new development across the county. The Hereford Area Plan (HAP) will set out detailed proposals to ensure the delivery of the targets for the city in the adopted Core Strategy. It will include policies and proposals for growth in the historic city of Hereford including specific proposals for housing, employment and urban regeneration. In doing so, the plan must also protect and enhance its attractive built and natural environment, providing for its current and future community needs.

Housing and employment site options

Identifying and delivering new housing and employment land is a key policy area that the HAP must deliver. The Core Strategy identifies four strategic sites for housing and employment land at Three Elms, Holmer West, Lower Bullingham and the city centre area. These sites will account for a significant proportion of the city’s housing growth target for the plan period. It is the task of the HAP to identify further deliverable site allocations to aid the delivery of the remainder of the target. 

Work has been carried out to prepare potential site options for the delivery of housing and employment growth in Hereford City and to help inform the preparation of the HAP. 

Consultation statement

View the Hereford Area Plan housing and employment sites consultation statement.

View the potential options for housing and employment sites

View the HAP housing and employment site options documents online

An exhibition with drop in sessions to view the documents, where staff were available to answer questions was held:

  • On 22 and 23 August from 4pm to 7pm at the Courtyard Theatre, Hereford HR4 9JR
  • From 24 August to 5 October at Hereford Library, Broad Street, Hereford, during library open hours.

The consultation documents were also available to view throughout the consultation period at libraries across the county.

You can call the Forward Planning Team on 01432 263357 or email us at with any questions.

Call for sites 

A Call for sites also ran for the duration of the consultation period and the following sites were submitted for consideration:

Previous consultation stages

Consultation on the key HAP issues and options in the early stage of the preparation of this document was carried out in 2017. View the consultation documents for the Hereford Area Plan.




Published: 20th August 2018