Tell us your views on the draft domestic abuse strategy for Herefordshire.
Thursday 23 January to Friday 7 February 2025.
Herefordshire's multi-agency Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board is a group of organisations that are working together to improve outcomes for people experiencing domestic abuse and hold perpetrators to account.
The Board, working with support agencies and with the involvement of people who have lived experience of domestic abuse, have drafted a strategy and action plan. This sets out the Board's vision for domestic abuse services, key priorities and the actions it wants to take over the next three years to tackle domestic abuse in Herefordshire.
The Board wants to hear your views on their draft plans.
Have your say
Read the draft action plan and draft strategy then complete the survey.
Complete the draft domestic abuse strategy survey
Closing date
The consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 7 February 2025.
Your privacy
The answers you provide will not be identified in any way when we use or report the results of this survey.
Further information
If you have any queries please email
For more information about domestic abuse services in Herefordshire please see our domestic abuse page.