Have your say on the review of the Herefordshire Local Plan and related policies.
Monday 25 March to Monday 20 May 2024. This consultation is closed.

Introduction to the Local Plan review

The government requires all councils to revisit their Local Plan every five years and we are in the process of updating the current Herefordshire Core Strategy, which was adopted in October 2015.

The Local Plan 2021- 2041 will set out the planning framework for the county for the period to 2041 and will cover issues such as housing provision, the economy, retail and town centres, infrastructure provision and the environment. It will also set out policies by which planning applications will be determined, in addition to allocation land for housing, employment and other uses.

View the progress of the Local Plan 2021-2041

Have your say on the Draft Herefordshire Local Plan (Regulation 18)

We consulted on the draft Herefordshire Local Plan (Regulation 18) from 25 March 2024 until 20 May 2024.

The main consultation platform was Commonplace.

You can view PDF versions of the plan below:

If you wish to have a printable version of the questionnaire please email ldf@herefordshire.gov.uk

Young persons survey

Are you 13 - 25? Tell us your views on the future of Herefordshire.

We created a summary and a shorter questionnaire for younger people who live, work and go to school or college in Herefordshire.

Interactive Local Plan policies map

There is an interactive map to accompany the draft Local Plan.

View the interactive Local Plan policies map

Consultation roadshow dates

Herefordshire Council's strategic planning team held in-person during the local plan consultation. Details of the places we visited are below. 

Date Venue details
Tuesday 26 March Ledbury Market
Wednesday 27 March Hereford City Centre
Wednesday 27 March Bartestree Village Hall
Thursday 28 March Ross-on-Wye Market
Thursday 28 March Weston under Penyard Village Hall
Thursday 4 April Bromyard Library
Thursday 4 April Bishops Frome Village Hall
Friday 5 April Leominster Market
Friday 5 April Wigmore Village Hall
Wednesday 10 April Ewyas Harold Village Hall
Friday 12 April Kington Market
Friday 12 April Weobley Village Hall
Thursday 18 April Colwall Village Hall
Saturday 20 April Hereford City Centre
Tuesday 30 April Ross-on-Wye Library
Tuesday 7 May  Burgage Hall, Ledbury

Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment

A Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) of the draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) have been prepared to inform its production.

SAs and HRAs are assessment processes designed to consider and communicate the significant sustainability issues and effects of emerging plans and policies within them, including their alternatives. SA/HRA iteratively informs the plan-making process by helping to refine the contents of such documents so that they maximise the benefits of sustainable development and avoid, or at least minimise, the potential for adverse effects.

View the Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment

Herefordshire Design Code

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 introduced a legal requirement for Local Planning Authorities to produce an area-wide design code, and therefore the council intends to publish a document alongside the updated Local Plan. A design code is a set of design requirements for the physical development of a site or area. It is made up of rules that are clear, specific and unambiguous, and it should normally include extensive graphical illustrations. The code should build upon a design vision, such as a masterplan or other design and development framework for a site or area. Design codes will supplement the Local Plan policies by setting out design guidance for various types of development, including requirements for design quality and will help shape development in Herefordshire.

The development of the countywide design code is still in its early stages - the analysis stage of reviewing and gathering evidence. As part of the consultation on the Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18), the council informed the public of what design codes are and how we expect to roll them out. The purpose of this consultation was to find out what the public think of the current design of Hereford, the market towns and villages in Herefordshire, their concerns, and suggestions for how it could be improved.

The Design Code Consultation ran from 25 March 2024 to 20 May 2024

Download and view the Herefordshire Design Code information

To request a printable version of the questionnaire please email ldf@herefordshire.gov.uk

Consultation and the community

Consultation strategy

The involvement of communities and stakeholders is key to preparing a Local Plan for Herefordshire which allows it to grow sustainably, meets the needs of our communities, and protects and enhances the things we value most.

This document sets out our approach to consulting and engaging the community and stakeholders on the next stage of consultation on the Local Plan which is for the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan.

View the Consultation strategy for draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) consultation

Consultation statement

The Council seeks to take an inclusive and proactive approach to engagement, providing the opportunity for all to engage in the plan-making process. This document is a summary of consultation on the development of the Draft Local Plan that has taken place so far.

View the Consultation statement for the draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) consultation

Call for sites for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show People

Our latest evidence tells us that we will need at least 41 pitches for Gypsies and Travellers, and 9 additional Travelling Show People plots up to 2041. This is set out in the latest Herefordshire Gypsy and Travellers Accommodation Assessment (GTAA). Therefore, we are keen to hear about any sites that could help meet this need. They can be new sites, extensions to existing sites or increases in the number of pitches/plots within existing sites.

If you have a site that you think might be suitable, please complete the call for sites form by 20 May 2024.

Details of how to do this and what information we need are set out in the form.

Complete the online call for sites for GTTS

For any advice and help with this please contact a member of the planning policy team by telephone on 01432 383637, or by email at ldf@herefordshire.gov.uk and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

Call for sites for new settlements

Countywide calls for sites were undertaken in summer 2020 and summer 2022 for a housing and economic land availability assessment (HELAA). This will form a crucial evidence base to underpin site allocations in the Local Plan, and is currently being finalised with a view to publication in late summer 2024.

Additionally, there have been more targeted calls for specific types of land in the county specifically for potential new settlements, brownfield land and sites for employment uses.

Herefordshire Council is again asking for sites submissions that could potentially form a new settlement. It may seem to be too early to start thinking about the next plan period however, there is a need to start exploring any options now given the long planning times needed for making a decision about this type of development. This approach is consistent with government guidance, which talks about looking beyond the plan period.

If you have a site(s) that you think might be suitable, please complete the call for sites form by 20 May 2024.

Details of how to do this and what information we need are set out in the form.

Complete the online call for sites for new settlements

For any advice and help with this please contact a member of the planning policy team by telephone on 01432 261789, or by email at ldf@herefordshire.gov.uk and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

Local Plan background papers

To accompany the draft Local Plan four background papers were prepared to provide some additional information on the following strategic policy areas:


Members Seminars


There were two Members Seminars recorded and held on 18 and 21 March. The presentation recording starts off with a short presentation on the Local Transport Plan Engagement during late March to late May. The presentation then moves on to the Draft Local Plan by explaining the vision and objectives and how the plan links to other council strategies and is underpinned by a vast evidence base. As well as setting out the growth strategy for the period 2021 – 2041, there is an overview of all the strategic policies. The place making policies for the county's city, towns and rural areas are explained by means of a map for each location as well as highlights from the policies. The later part of the presentation discusses design coding and how this could work in Herefordshire. There is also an explanation on how to get involved in the consultation.

Rural Settlement Hierarchy

The Rural Settlement Hierarchy is a recorded presentation by officers. It gives an overview of the vision and objectives. This presentation specifically focused on the changes in the overall rural settlement hierarchy and why this has been revised. An explanation of how the new settlement hierarchy was devised was set out. Each settlement tier is explained and which settlements are included. There was also a focus on what this means for neighbourhood plans and whether they are listed or unlisted as areas for growth. The presentation covers design coding and what this means for Herefordshire. The presentation then finishes by explaining when and how to get involved in providing a response to the consultation.

Local Plan evidence base

View all supporting evidence.

What happens next

The responses received during this consultation will inform the final submission version (Regulation 19) of the Herefordshire Local Plan.

Further information

If you have any questions about this consultation please contact: ldf@herefordshire.gov.uk


Published: 25th March 2024