21 January to 4 March 2019. This consultation is closed. Responses are available.

Comment on the proposed approach to meet the county's minerals and waste needs to 2031

A Minerals and Waste Local Plan (MWLP) is being prepared to guide mineral extraction and the management of waste in Herefordshire up to 2031 and beyond. This will replace the saved minerals and waste policies of the Unitary Development Plan.

The MWLP explains the vision, objectives and strategy for minerals and waste planning. It will contain detailed policies and locations for future minerals extraction (such as sand and gravel pits or crushed rock quarries) and for the development of waste management facilities (such as recycling centres).

Following consultation on the issues and options paper in 2017, calls for sites, and updates on evidence assessments of future aggregate and waste management need, a draft MWLP has been produced for public consultation.

We asked for your views on the strategic approach and detailed policies and proposals for minerals and waste management in the county.

We will use the responses received during this time, along with any further evidence gathered, to help formulate the pre-submission version of the MWLP.

The draft MWLP consultation ran for a six week period, from 21 January to 4 March 2019. The responses and consultation statement are available below.

Draft Plan consultation statement and responses

Consultation documents

If you have any questions about the consultation, you can call us on 01432 260146 or 01432 260137.

Published: 21st January 2019